
Dietetics provides nutritional management for conditions such as IBS, IBD, Coeliac disease, constipation, reflux and food intolerance.

Conditions a dietitian may help patients with:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • GORD/reflux
  • Gastroparesis
  • Eosinophilic oesophagitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Coeliac disease
  • Weight concern
  • Eating behaviours

Diet and IBS:

Dietary strategies can be very effective in managing the symptoms of IBS. While foods which trigger symptoms are different for everyone, patients can see improvements in IBS symptoms by adopting a low-FODMAP diet. This involves restricting, then reintroducing/managing high-FODMAP foods. A Dietitian can help you identify which foods and food groups are your personal triggers. This allows you to reduce your intake of these triggers without missing out on key nutrients in your diet. A strict low FODMAP diet is not good for gut health, so make sure you speak to our dietitian to ensure you are managing your IBS safely.


Hannah Taylor from Diet Solutions will be working at our Gut Centre clinic in Kew East on Tuesdays. For all appointments for Hannah, pls contact Diet Solutions, see (link coming from DS soon).

The initial consultation is held over one hour, examining diet and medical history, symptom type and severity, test results, medications and supplements, previous diet changes, suspected food triggers or complaints and meal pattern. All of this is then considered against the latest nutrition science to determine which dietary approach is likely to result in the best outcome. A formal education session will then take place to explain the theory and give detailed information on how to implement the strategies.

Follow up appointments are generally conducted within 1-4 weeks of the initial appointment. These are 20-30 minutes in duration and involve the dietitian checking on your progress, ability to follow the diet, challenges and benefits from the approach. The advice is then modified depending on the outcome in order to achieve optimal results.

Most patients require a 3-4 appointments in total to bring the results of their dietary changes together and decide on a long-term plan.


Initial consultation fees for one hour with a specialist dietitian is $240. Review consultations are $120. Pension and health care card discount available.

Medicare rebates:

If you have a chronic disease you may qualify for a Chronic Disease Management / CDM (formally known as Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) services. Your eligibility is determined by your GP.

Medicare rebates are available for a maximum of 5 appointments per calendar year. This rebate is for a portion of our consultation fee for those referred to a Dietitian by their GP under a CDM service. Your GP needs to have provided a referral before your appointment for you to be eligible for this rebate.  

Private Health Insurance

Most private health insurance funds provide a proportion of the consultation fee if you have Extras Cover. The rebate will depend on your level of cover.  Please contact your health care provider to check your entitlements.